DATA SNAPSHOT: CFOs adapt to increasing demands from LPs

AltaReturn's Private Capital 2019 CFO survey shows LPs' requests for specific data have risen, and CFOs are turning to tech to answer them.

In new figures published by AltaReturn, 84 percent of CFOs surveyed stated that LPs had been requesting more customized reporting, specifically surrounding portfolio company performance and fees.

With many LPs taking it upon themselves to monitor and analyze data, the pressure is on for firms to come up with specific information and figures on demand. “We’ve already seen a steady increase of investors asking for property-level information and it’s not just the big institutions anymore,” said one CFO, “it’s hard to keep up sometimes.”

This increased demand for transparency has led to an uptake in tech solutions. With the added benefits of increased security and ease of use compared to email, most CFOs (68 percent) now use investor portals to communicate with and send information to LPs.

Click here to view the full survey.