PE Manager 2012 Yearbook

The dawn of a new era...

It's somewhat natural for people to think of every passing year as having been important for some reason or other.

But in the case of fund managers, lawyers and investors, they've got a solid case that this past year and the one we're entering into has been transformational for the private equity industry.

2012 saw US private equity firms register with the Securities and Exchange commission; enhanced due diligence into GPs' back office operations; difficulties in fair value reporting, a presidential campaign that put the industry in the spotlight; follow-up rulemaking to the forthcoming AIFM directive and more.

In PE Manager's 2012 Yearbook, we take a look back at all the key developments from the past 12 months, and look ahead at what to expect in 2013.

  Click here to download the PE Manager
2012 Yearbook