A 10-minute crash course in cyber-risk for PE firms

'We’re seeing a lot of wire transfer fraud, maybe two times per quarter,' says one of our panelists.

Where is your firm vulnerable to cyberattacks? According to our panel of three experts, there are two hotspots:

– Wire transfer fraud, typically initiated with a phishing scam (“We’re seeing a lot of wire transfer fraud, maybe two times per quarter”)

– Data migration to the cloud (“Where previously you had a single point of entry, firms are now providing their data to several vendors and service providers, all of whom could be at risk of a cyber breach”)

Read what you can do to protect your firm here.

Also our list of cybersecurity consultants let’s you know where to turn for advice.

Elsewhere on the web: The Financial Times details allegations that a former SEC staffer passed sensitive information to GPB Capital Holdings, a private equity firm that was under investigation and that the staffer, Michael Cohn, was interviewing with to join as chief compliance officer. Says the FT: “The case is the second in the past two years involving allegations of staffers at the SEC and related institutions leaking information to companies as they sought jobs in the private sector.”

Email prepared by Toby Mitchenall.