Investor Reporting

The Orange County Employees’ Retirement System has published a policy document outlining its plans to push back against fees. The policy gives preference to strong performing managers that offer ‘the most advantageous fee structures’.
Almost a year and a half removed from negotiating below-market terms on its separate accounts with Blackstone, The New Jersey Division of Investment continues to focus on fee breaks.
Most investors will opt for the option that reduces management fees in exchange for higher carried interest payouts to GPs, according to one LP.
Carlyle has created a vehicle that will allow investors to commit as little as $50,000 in its buyout funds.
The UK’s private equity trade body is urging the government to lower taxes on small businesses as a way of encouraging long-term investment.
Andrew Caspersen has joined the firm to focus on the growing need of GPs to restructure aging funds that are approaching the end of their lives.
Paul Hastings lawyer Kimberly Smith shares with PE Manager an exclusive survey on how GPs are using equity incentives to attract and motivate top portfolio company executives.
Private equity firms and service providers will be pleased to see a £5 million bank bond requirement erased from Jersey’s LLP law.
The mid-market firm hopes to manage a bigger pool of capital in exchange for a reduced management fee.
General partners will continue to offer lower management fees in what could be a more favourable fundraising environment next year, says Hall Capital’s Jessica Reed Saouaf.

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