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‘The battle’s not over,’ Major, Lindsey & Africa recruiter Allison Rosner says, urging fund managers to 'START' at the beginning.
The survey, conducted by Barnes & Thornburg, found that 96% of LPs thought it was important for a GP they invest in to have a succession plan.
Secondaries activity for collateralized fund obligation bonds is light, but could pick up if the stars align.
Inside: How an appeals court left the SEC’s private funds reform in shreds; Plus, an 11-page special report on legal issues facing the industry; And much more…
Why the US Court of Appeals decision was such a 'sledgehammer' to the SEC, and how ILPA sees a 'playbook' in future Fifth Circuit suits. Part one in a series of four.
'If the rule gets vacated, we are still going to push this project forward,' says ILPA’s Neal Prunier.
Court hands big victory to private funds. Rifts in LP community may have aided the downfall of the regulatory package.
Generative AI has emboldened cybercriminals, making already common cyberattacks on firms cheaper to execute, and more convincing… sometimes alarmingly so.
‘It can be a driver of potential fees,’ Dan Faigus tells packed room at Private Funds CFO event.