Home Authors Posts by Graham Bippart

Graham Bippart

Organizing your virtual AGM or not satisfied with your last one? A placement agent who's been attending them gives you a checklist to help it live up to the real thing.
A GP that took out a sub line with a new lender entrant to the market notes that speed of closing was a major highlight of doing business with them.
A tech solutions provider’s recent product launch illustrates that the barrier to entry for data warehousing is lowering, according to an executive at the company.
Q&A with iCapital’s Lawrence Calcano; new link to Insights 2020 survey.
New York
Stats and commentary give a sense of what the process has been like in recent months.
A look at Apex Group’s new ESG scoring and ratings portal; take our Insights 2020 survey
Analysts expect the carry crunch to result in a spike in GP-leds among mid-market firms.
Jersey follows Guernsey in making it easier to migrate funds.
The jurisdiction's revised private funds law aims to get it off the European Union's blacklist.
That trickle of smaller secondaries deals seen in late May has quietly but quickly become a freshet, according to Kline Hill Partners.

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