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Philippa Kent

Private Funds CFO Insights Survey 2021 reveals the growing list of demands vying for CFOs’ and back office teams’ time and attention
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For private equity, the turbulence of the past 12 months will inform case studies and playbooks for years to come.
A company subject to a secondaries transaction could have at least five layers of leverage acting on it, from LBO debt up to a fund-level capital call facility. We investigate the test posed by the coronavirus to these layers, each with their own dynamics.
Of the 16 registered private funds that faced discipline this year, only one disclosed a pending SEC enforcement matter in advance.
Under a 'blue wave' scenario, progressive politicians like senator Elizabeth Warren would have more power to target aspects of the financial system they have consistently criticized, including private equity.
Smith will stay out of jail but will pay $139m and continue to cooperate with US federal authorities.
Long-term pressures on many fund managers’ economics have been sharply exacerbated by the pandemic. We examine the key dynamics at play, and what some CFOs are doing about them.
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Helen Parsonage and Dan Faundez of law firm Osborne Clarke outline some practical tips should the situation arise.
Public company quotes 'aren’t a great comp' because 'the chaos that the pandemic has caused' means their valuations aren’t connected to the company’s fundamentals either
Bankers discuss what the future of subscription credit could look like, should the current supply/demand dynamics continue while demand increases.

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