News & Analysis

At a gathering of private equity CFOs, fair value and standards show momentum.
Sixty-eight private equity firms are feeling the heat of FOIA thanks to ‘Coingate.’
More and more private companies are adopting the ways of Sarbanes-Oxley.
AlpInvestPartners is already Europe's largest limited partner. Now, thanks to the appointment of a new in-house economist, it can also claim to be one of the most sophisticated.
The exit of German television group ProSiebenSat.1 is in trouble following intervention from regulators.
New frontiers 2006-02-01 Staff Writer The head of a major European private equity firm is fond of calling US private equity a ?high volume, low margin? business. Extending this metaphor, is emerging markets private equity is a low volume, high margin business? Potentially.<br /><br />Such is the
From its long-time base in Minneapolis, Norwest Equity Partners has quietly built a record of success in private equity. Overseeing the administrative side of the business has been John Whaley, who has been with Norwest for more than 25 years. The firm's sole limited partner is Wells Fargo & Co. In 1999 and again in 2004, Wells Fargo committed $800 million to Norwest Equity Partners VII and VIII, respectively. The firm also manages two mezzanine funds, the most recent having raised $400 million from Wells Fargo. NEP also maintains an office in Los Angeles. Private Equity Manager spoke recently with Whaley about how Norwest is the same as any other private equity firm, and how it differs on account of its publicly traded, regulated LP.
Growing funds, changing terms 2006-01-01 Staff Writer Larger fund sizes around the globe are having an impact on the way private equity firms operate and on the terms and conditions of their funds, according to the <italic>3rd Annual Review of Private Equity Terms & Conditions</italic> from Z
IRS rules regarding the allocation of carried interest create complexity in a transient private equity market.
Private equity firms must learn to better compete against hedge funds and investment banks for junior-level hires. By Ben Aymé

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