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If one enacts legislation to tax PE execs more heavily, a host of others could follow.
Amid evidence that Luxembourg is taking more private fund business due to Brexit fears, the Jersey Fund Association says UK managers 'shouldn’t panic' when choosing a new domicile.
An LP lobby group says a change in Delaware law and an SEC no-action letter unleashed a 'perfect storm' to the detriment of private fund investors.
Private debt managers are being forced to consider the consequences of what once seemed unthinkable – the UK crashing out of the EU with no trade agreement.
The recommendation came in a report ordered by President Trump on the future of US financial regulation.
The accounting best practices draft issued in May could soon be an industry standard GPs can’t ignore.
Heavyweight Australian investors back a new workplace diversity initiative as LPs admit the issue is a factor in their investment decision-making.
One investor said the original rate was ‘just not a standard hurdle’, as we take a closer look at the $5bn first close.
Mid-term elections are approaching; now’s the time to remind your staff about the SEC’s view on campaign contributions.
Ireland has one advantage over rival Luxembourg for private equity firms seeking to do business in the EU: the approval process to set up a fund can be as quick as 24 hours.

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