Home Authors Posts by Philippa Kent

Philippa Kent

Italian lira coin bearing the portrait of Luca Pacioli (1447-1517), released by Italy in 1994 on the 500th anniversary of his treatise Summa de arithmetica (i.e. On arithmetics)
Europe has a fun little riddle to work out involving an alternative to mark-to-market that is also not at least called ‘mark-to-model'.
John Stecher joins the investment giant as it continues to focus on technology and innovation as a 'strategic priority.'
Spreadsheet bank accounts accounting with calculator and magnifying glass.
NYPPEX CEO Laurence Allen stands accused of forging documents and misleading investors in a lawsuit that goes deep into private fund secondaries. But is he the victim?
LPs are warming to sub lines, PE is under political fire and opening up to retail investors could take the ‘private’ out of 'private equity.’
When an IRR has been inflated by subscription lines of credit, does the fund manager need to present a second figure to investors?
The strategy is a reaction to the 2017 tax reform, which included provisions that charge an ordinary income tax rate on carry generated from investments held under that period.
The survey results were discussed onstage at PEI's CFOs & COOs conference in New York on Wednesday.
FX hedging may be alien to many CFOs, and it can be obscure and expensive, with an ambiguous payout. But the new cross-border advisory firm says that’s all changed.
Helios Investment Partners is the largest emerging markets-focused firm to achieve the certification.
Attorneys general from seven states and Washington, DC claim the Commission bypassed congressional intent in approving Reg Best Interest.

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