Fund Finance

Illustration of businessmen pushing coins up and down slopes
The loans represent small portions of activity for the GP-led vehicles, but they can be used for certain funding and buyer needs.
The seized bank’s holding company may become the rope in a tug-of-war.
The fund of funds platform, which includes commitments to venture funds as well as private credit, continues to operate.
Bank closure illustration
The bank’s fall also highlights and potentially exacerbates a large and growing supply gap in subscription credit lines.
Insurance companies are stepping in to fill a supply gap in fund finance, and one of the insurance worlds’ first movers in the market is looking to expand its fingerprint.
Letter blocks spelling out "credit rating"
Ratings could broaden investor base, and may open the door to a future capital markets solution for the fund instruments.
NAV finance has come a long way in just the last few years. 17 Capital executives Robert de Corainville and Greg Hardiman explain the dynamics of the market in 2022 and how they suggest explosive growth in the years to come.
The market is in need of a supply solution, but is it fit for one?
The small subsector is gaining interest, but financing challenges persist.
The European private debt manager launched its NAV program last year with two leadership hires.

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