Protections weakened, LPs shoulder the burden; Exempt managers not ‘out of the woods’
The ‘back door’ for regulators
Why the US Court of Appeals decision was such a 'sledgehammer' to the SEC, and how ILPA sees a 'playbook' in future Fifth Circuit suits. Part one in a series of four.
Debates on increasing tax on carried interest shouldn’t ignore the wider contribution private equity brings to economies.
'If the rule gets vacated, we are still going to push this project forward,' says ILPA’s Neal Prunier.
Court hands big victory to private funds. Rifts in LP community may have aided the downfall of the regulatory package.
More than half of private equity and credit advisers struggle with extracted performance, Seward & Kissel survey finds.
‘Because it’s private, there’s a false assumption that the opacity of the market indicates risk,’ AIC’s Goshorn Jurata says at Private Funds CFO’s compliance forum.
‘It’s making sure that private fund advisers are following their agreements and doing the things they’re supposed to do,’ Andrew Dean tells Private Funds CFO’s compliance forum
‘It can be a driver of potential fees,’ Dan Faigus tells packed room at Private Funds CFO event.